Community Engagement

What is Community Engagement?

A key tenant of our mission, Community Engagement is the umbrella under which individuals and organizations support FPGROC staff, programs, and families to assist those at risk of or experiencing homelessness to achieve sustainable independence.

Click each heading in blue below to learn more.

Image by Buffalo artist Bob Vaccarella

Community engagement invites those with or willing to learn a family-centered, trauma-informed, antiracist mindset to volunteer their time, talent, and treasure at FPGROC or in their own community and includes:

  • Supporting FPGROC financially - over 90% of our annual income is gifted by individuals, congregations, organizations/businesses, and foundations.

  • Raising awareness about family homelessness and the systems and policies that uphold the inequities that create homelessness. Learn more about racial equity here.

  • Donating or organizing drives for in-kind supplies, furniture, and other needs.

  • Volunteering time at the Day Center or Shelter Apartments answering phones, cleaning, repairing, organizing, or otherwise supporting programs and facilities.

  • Volunteering time alongside families tutoring, playing, cooking, or engaging in other ways.