Estate & Planned Giving, Legacy Circle
Estate & Planned Giving
A charitable gift from your estate enables you to achieve your financial goals and benefit families facing homelessness. You may direct all or a portion of your estate to FPGROC. Gifts can be designated or unrestricted, residuary, or contingency. Consult your attorney regarding approach and appropriate wording to reflect your own goals and intentions.
A gift of appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy way for you to make a gift. Avoid paying a capital gains tax and receive a charitable income tax deduction while helping families facing homelessness.
Contact Kim Hunt-Uzelac to request account numbers for transfers or with other questions.
Retirement Plans
A gift of your retirement assets [IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax deferred plan] is an excellent way to make a gift. As a charity, we are not taxed upon receiving an IRA, IRA annual distribution payments, or other retirement plan assets, and your charitable support can provide stability for vulnerable families in Rochester.
Life Insurance
Donate a policy, take a deduction, deduct any future premiums and make an extraordinary gift. You also remove proceeds from your taxable estate. Large cash values resulting from relatively small premiums make life insurance an attractive planned gift with several options.
Family Promise of Greater Rochester’s Legacy Circle is comprised of a committed group of supporters who have or intend to include FPGROC’s mission in their estate plan and/or planned giving. These philanthropic individuals recognize that ending family homelessness requires daily programs and services and also long term financial support to ensure these services continue until systemic changes are made to eliminate poverty in our community.
Membership in the Legacy Circle
You can demonstrate this commitment and set an example for others by remembering FPGROC in your will, trust or other planned gift. No gift has a more lasting impact. A planned gift also offers you many potential advantages, including federal estate tax savings, the elimination or reduction of capital gains taxes and the opportunity to increase spendable income.
Members of FPGROC’s Legacy Circle will be invited to an annual brunch, which will include a program update, an acknowledgement of your generosity, and information about the Legacy Circle for those attending who have not yet made a commitment.
Making Your Gift to Family Promise of Greater Rochester
If you have already arranged for a bequest or other planned gift, we would like to honor your support. If you are still considering such a gift, let us know so we can help you and your advisors complete your gift in a way that benefits your estate and makes clear your intention to help families facing homelessness in Rochester. Gifts can be designated or unrestricted; please consider supporting the Prevention Endowment as you deliberate how you would like to leave your legacy.
Share your story
Have you already thought of Family Promise of Greater Rochester in your estate planning? Did you name FPGROC in your will? If so, we'd love to hear your story. Email Kim today using subject line "Planned Giving Story," along with your name and contact information. Tell us why you made this decision, and what ending family homelessness means to you.
Contact us Today
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions. We’re here to help you clarify your goals, better understand how your legacy can impact family homelessness, and to assist you in whatever way we can.
For a completely confidential discussion:
Kim Hunt-Uzelac, Executive Director
585-506-9050 or email Kim
H. Robert Bradley, CIMA®, CFP®, FPGROC’s Financial Advisor at NorthLanding Financial Partners, LLC
585-497-5007 or email Rob
Please share your intentions with us!
Click the blue button below to access form.
This statement of intent is an expression of the donor’s present, revocable plans and is subject to change or modification by the donor at any time.